: the founding fathers didnt have twitter and that makes me absolutely fucking sick. imagine george …

: extremely proud to announce that i remain UNVERIFIED. im so unverified that when i look in the …

: if it walks like a fascist and talks like a fascist, maybe it’s time we stop hesitating to call it a …

: “Trump gave the assholes a voice” as if your uncle randy hasn’t been getting …

: I don’t think I’m better than you I just think you’re worse than me

: Age 6: I want to be a firefighter Age 27: I want to not have a panic attack before checking my …

: tired of being told to “count sheep”. im counting my enemies instead. currently at 8,956 …

: the death of the politician has arrived. In today’s world, they’re influencers first and …

: experiencing what the experts call a “rugpull.” turns out DragonBallZCumRocketCoin was …

: blocking people is better than sex

: i spent 10 grand on “THE SECRET FORMULA TO BECOMING AN ONLINE CELEBRITY” and its just a …

: life hack: block the word “discourse”

: wow. cannot BELIEVE you would dare to argue with me on the internet. im currently printing out every …

: when white liberals call for a “revolution” it’s because they assume they’ll …

: I’m not a pessimist, I’m an optimist with experience in how the world actually works

: another day of being the only person who knows the correct way to sleep. you’re all doing it …

: If you’re one of those people who ‘just love Mondays,’ I hope your printer jams for the rest of your …

: I feel like I’d use GIMP a lot more if it wasn’t called GIMP


: rewatched that video of celebrities singing ‘we’re all in this together’ from …

: Hot take your mother in law was right

: new Meta slogan: move farts and break wind

: Why centrism today is just political cowardice in disguise—and how to rebuild the middle ground …

: I barely want to talk to actual humans why the fuck would I want to have an endless conversation …

: “I get why people don’t like Voldemort but if you actually listen to his podcast he has some good …

: Good people: “doing this worked for me, it might work for you!” Bad people: “doing this worked for …

: if you ever judge me for wearing pajamas to the store, just know: i have already judged you 10 times …

: As the leader of the Rohan First party I say let Gondor make a deal with Mordor on their own. Sauron …

: the nerds at the new york times: “in this ohio diner, we found 5 trump supporters and 5 biden …

: If your centrism moves with the Overton window instead of anchoring in an actual belief system …

: I have a lot of trauma from my childhood that I still don’t talk about much. But here goes. When I …

: Is anyone else genuinely concerned about what cross-platform browser they’re going to be using if …

: If the West cedes Ukraine to Russia, they might as well put a bow on Taiwan for China.

: There are two kinds of bigots: people who are ignorant and people who profit from ignorance

: the nerds at the new york times unveiling their new political coverage: “he said, she said, we …

: bedtime ritual complete: teeth brushed, warm milk consumed, restraints secured. goodnight to all who …

: at this point, we’re not actually fighting climate change. We’re negotiating a surrender and …

: every time someone on hacker news says ‘well, actually’, an angel loses its wings and …

: URGENT: need 1000 people to join my “EXCLUSIVE WEALTH NETWORK” (pyramid scheme) before …

: Me: Why are we panicking? Brain: No idea!! 12 hours later Brain: jk, we forgot the meds. Me: …

: Donald Trump doesn’t “tell it like it is” he tells it like your racist, asshole grandpa wishes it …

: Netflix: here’s 8 new shows. pick your favorite. great choice, we’re canceling it. …

: How a simple mortality countdown on my phone gave me more peace than chasing “eternal youth” ever …

: I left the Australian startup “ecosystem” when one of their most prominent investors publicly called …

: LinkedIn is a dumpster fire of misogyny, racism and right wing horsefuckery. It’s Twitter wearing a …

: Tesla now door knocking employees on their death beds like “excuse me sir do you have a moment to …

: climate scientists: “we’re all doomed” me: (chugging a 55-gallon drum of …

: what if i WANT the bed bugs to bite. what if thats my whole deal​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

: the “Enemy Within” is Diarrhoea and we all know who has it

: here’s why my toddler’s lemonade stand proves socialism doesn’t work 9000 points, …

: new starbucks size just dropped: “The Void.” it’s just an empty cup. you stare …

: Excited about this. The Index now has a simple / beautiful home on the web that aligns with the …

: barista: “ma’am, you can’t bring your own beans” me: dumping 50 pumpkin spice …

: saw a guy at the grocery store buying 37 bottles of ranch dressing. here’s why this is bad news for …

: 🇺🇸 Early voting has begun in North Carolina, a key battleground state for the upcoming U.S. …

: 🇦🇷 Former One Direction star Liam Payne tragically died after falling from a third-floor hotel …

: 🇻🇪 Venezuela has detained three Americans and two other foreign nationals on terrorism charges, …

: 🇷🇺 Russia’s parliament has passed the first reading of a law banning content that promotes a …

: 🇷🇼 Rwanda is seeing a significant decline in Marburg virus cases following vaccinations of …

: 🇹🇿 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has reached a staff-level agreement with Tanzania, …

: 🇺🇸 California’s dairy farms are grappling with an unprecedented rise in cow deaths due to bird flu, …

: 🇺🇸 An independent review finds the U.S. Secret Service has become bureaucratic and complacent, …

: 🇪🇺 Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy presented his “victory plan” to EU and NATO leaders in …

: the war on christmas has claimed another victim. my son opened his presents and found nothing but …

: another day spent trying to make chatGPT say random slurs so I can screenshot it for The Socials™️ …

: Let me see if I’ve got this straight, tech bloggers are mad that Apple products have planned …

: me, sobbing into my microphone: and then the killer… he… he put the body in the …

: if they made citizen kane today he’d be played by Chris Pratt and his last words would be …

: If you’re interested in setting up your blog with the new Mastodon author verification feature, this …

: I have a highly refined palette I only lick artisanal organic locally sourced boots

: I have never in my life had less faith in anything, anything at all, anything under the fucking sun, …

: We say we value privacy. So why the fuck do we keep giving away our data? It’s more complicated than …

: I’m not like those OTHER girls I’m best friends with the people who want to take away my rights

: 🇺🇦 Ukraine: Biden announces $425m military aid package; Aussies send tanks The Index is a free, zero …

: okay I have taken inventory of my home office and neither myself nor the next 3 generations of my …

: “Battles are beyond everything else struggles of morale. Defeat is inevitable as soon as the hope of …

: You are allowed to log the fuck off. Ignore the headlines. Ignore the tweets. Ignore the chaos and …

: 2024 results come in. statue of liberty seen furiously paddling the fuck back to france. …


: they said “trump can’t dance.” i showed them. i did the worm for 45 minutes …

: whenever someone says “everything happens for a reason” you are legally allowed to slap them in the …

: Trump is not a man of mystery. He’s a semi-sentient hairpiece with delusions of competence who …

: I don’t pay me nearly enough to put up with my shit

: Walking into the gym after months away is like showing up to a wedding in jeans

: tech insiders going from ‘I’m quitting VC to write a Substack’ to ‘I’m quitting Substack to work in …

: If your child came out as a real estate agent could you still love them? I mean, you can pray for …

: If you vote for the pants shitting, muslim banning, transgender children terrorising, white …

: GDP now measured in memes per capita. shitposters are the new 1%. my life savings are backed by …

: to hell with november 5 this is the only election i’m interested in (via Reddit)

: How The Conversation’s article on Trump’s DJ session missed the mark and normalized a campaign …

: i love making my little to-do lists because it helps me organize all the little things i’ll pretend …

: you did what with your semen

: Now I REALLY don’t know what to do with these tossed salads and scrambled eggs

: There are 2 wolves inside me: one craves the seamless simplicity of an all-Apple ecosystem, and the …

: Adulthood is just the endless anticipation of recess, but no one ever lets you out

: the Open Source Men have logged on. they’re typing furiously about licenses again. my Timeline …

: Well, here we are again, folks. It’s time for another round of meta media debunking: Breaking …

: “I Tried Dry-Aging Myself, You Won’t Believe What Happened Next” (I got older / …

: Congratulations to the latest 3 white dudes who have raised 5 million dollars from other white dudes …

: Can someone please come up with a joke about George Soros / Sonos Speakers and then give me credit …

: If you’re paying for linkedin premium you need to take a good hard look at your life choices

: This isn’t actually about broken websites or bad tweets. Not really. It’s about learning how to …

: Choose Your Fighter: Spokesperson for the Dark Lord Edition

: Freud was basically the older guy at the party who thinks he’s figured you out after 5 minutes of …

: left/Dem election doomers aren’t forecasting—they’re hedging. Predicting a Trump win now means they …

: If you’re a Preacher and you’re also a billionaire you’re a Godless, gutless, gormless, shameless, …

: JD Vance: “Don’t think of it as Eugenics, think of it as Usgenics”

: Curious about how parasocial relationships shape our digital lives? Read my latest piece, The …

: if I had a nickel for every time a right wing/Trump voter/registered Republican tried to take out …

: every right wing dork fantasising about a new civil war would have died of dysentery in the first …

: Can’t believe Edison tried 100 different lightbulbs before he could get one to work. you know you …

: (Bomb squad about to deactivate a bomb) Ron De Santis: “back off socialists, I’ve got this.” (cuts …

: The Invisible Threads: How Parasocial Relationships Fuel Digital Obsession New today on Westenberg …

: Absolutely love coughing my lungs out with mild pneumonia super fun 10/10 would recommend 5 stars on …


: everyone’s crying about plagiarism because my “paper” is “100% copied” from “Wikipedia” let me tell …

: PSA: any time they call something “fake news” that means it’s 100% the truth

: Helen this is the most racist shit I’ve read today you need to log tf off

: The GOP right now is that scene in every heist movie where they try to convince the cops they’re …

: I can already tell you my New Year’s resolution is going to be “cyber bully more Nazis” who’s in

: the way this dude says “lol” while being an entitled little fuck makes me want to tear a hole in the …

: some days you’re the pigeon, other days you’re the statue. the key is to not be the racist statue of …

: There is no such thing as a “decent” trump voter.

: Me: connects to the wrong Bluetooth speaker once iPhone: (forever) You wanna pair with that fridge …

: Man, if Trump doesn’t start behaving soon Mitt Romney’s gonna almost imperceptibly purse his lips in …

: good news: we’ve raised $100 million in funding. bad news: our entire platform is still just a …

: “if voting were actually effective, would they really let us do it?” - every smug …

: Excited to announce that I am now valued at $5,000,000,000,000 because my pitch deck says I’m a …

: Trump hit the limit on his voter base when he lost in 2020. Unless he’s found an untapped vein of …

: dentist: open wide me: unhinging jaw like a fucking snake or some shit dentist: immediately aroused

: obviously the cowardly lion would be MAGA, no debate. also definitely gaston, uncle vernon, and the …

: time to pack it in folks, old mate’s cracked the case

: If Elon Musk ran Amazon you’d order next-day shipping and get the wrong fucking product three years …

: “Downfall”

: It’s genuinely so fucking problematic that after you run the dishwasher you also have to unload it

: if you think the government is hiding weather control, wait till you see what they’re hiding …

: Jesus: so I’ve multiplied the loaves and fishes and there’s enough food for everyone modern …

: republican voters are so easy to grift you could slap an eagle sticker on a bottle of piss, call it …

: ‘Feed the World’ was just ‘Feed the Birds’ from Mary Poppins with more guilt …

: Bold of us to expect a peaceful transition of power from the GOP, a party that’s been working …

: one can only assume that Putin does not in fact like them apples

: every night my intrusive thoughts are like “eat the cat food” and i’m like “no” and they’re like …

: columbus got lost, found a whole new continent, and then thought ‘perfect spot for a genocide.’ …

: DeBunkin’ Donuts

: every day i wake up and think about how mitt romney is the human equivalent of a powerpoint …

: Donald Trump would love K-pop if there were 2 extra Ks

: Wanted to re intro, since a few folks didn’t realise this about me but - I’m a damned proud …

: oh wow, you asked me to define ‘woman’ for the 1000th time, absolutely devastating. you really …

: All you need to know about Apple Arcade is that they just announced Space Invaders as a coming soon …

: “um actually, we’d prefer if this smoking gun remained behind a tasteful velvet rope until after the …

: The obvious answer to social media platform anxiety? Just POSSE that shit—post once, syndicate …

: Fuck going on Joe Rogan, Kamala Harris should beat these white dudes at their own game by starting a …

: if taylor swift ACTUALLY cared about climate change she’d block out the sun with a giant cardboard …

: how it started vs how it’s going

: Take it from a recovering alcoholic: if you’re trying to build habits, don’t start with a fancy …

: this stupidity of this shit truly cheese-grates my fucking spleen

: Twitter is literally just 48 crypto dudes in matching Temu aviators paying $8 a month to LARP as …

: Fight Club is a satire of dudes who love Fight Club and I just think that’s beautiful

: If you have ever signed me up for your email list without my permission you do not deserve to have …

: Anyone who says they can tell the difference between Monday, Asana, Miro, Notion, Trello, ClickUp, …

: Quote-post but change what the skeleton is holding. 💀 |{I}_🍸 I/ \ /_ _

: She texted ‘sure’ without an exclamation point, so I guess she’s planning my funeral

: Your regular reminder that The Lorax is about environmentalism, not a cute orange creature and it …

: People keep saying we live in “interesting times” but is it just me or is all this nazi shit boring …

: Tell me why every Trump rally feels like a scene from ‘The Truman Show’ where he’s the only one who …

: “2024” enters stage left. He is disheveled, with wild hair and a crumpled shirt. chorus: ‘HEAR YE, …

: The modern workflow is Google Docs -> Slack -> Notion -> Monday -> Trello -> Asana …

: I’m old enough to remember when being a fan meant actually liking stuff, not dedicating your entire …

: I’m excited to announce a 7-day free trial for @ Westenberg. Take my in-depth coverage of tech and …

: You can’t convince me that Ron DeSantis isn’t just Gollum in a Mission: Impossible mask

: Q: Should politicians have a maximum age limit to hold office? www.threads.net/@theindex…

: Imagine being an ancient Egyptian engineer and getting clowned by assholes who think your blueprints …

: I’m excited to be speaking at Web Directions Developer Next in Sydney November on Why We Need …

: If you’re defending billionaire tax loopholes because you think you’ll need them someday, let me …

: This is a fantastic way to make sure I never ever listen to kill list

: Watching political journalists act like they’re the main characters of 2024 is peak delusion.

: Influencers truly killed the word “collab”

: Deleting toxic comments isn’t censorship—it’s cleaning up after stray dogs take a shit on your lawn

: Babe, is everything ok? You’ve barely posted about your World Leading Company Culture since you laid …

: turns out the Republican plan for extreme weather is just ‘evacuate yourself by your bootstraps’

: Nothing fills me with dread more than this emoji 🧵

: Can we please encourage every Trump supporter to own the libs by chugging raw milk the day before …

: My preferred genre of music is “sad indie rock song playing in the background of a mid 2010s medical …

: 🇮🇱 Fighting intensifies as Israel marks the one-year anniversary of Oct 7 massacre. …

: (VANCE) ohio is ROUND (WALZ) minnesota is SQUIGGLY (ME, AN INTELLECTUAL) states are a LIE

: JD Vance: “im a hillbilly”. Tim Walz: “im a nice boy”. the audience, howling …

: ☭ ☭ ☭ ATTENTION COMRADES ☭ ☭ ☭ wokeness will be EQUALLY DISTRIBUTED please form an orderly queueb to …

: me mate dazza just rocked up to smoko 45 mins late with a mad shiner & two iced coffees. said he …

: lake beta cuck

: “I have been BASELESSLY accused of being a serial abuser and harasser of women. To prove my …

: In Australia, if you say ‘third wave feminism’ into a mirror three times at midnight, …

: The UN is basically the world’s most expensive group chat where no one ever replies with anything …

: zuckerberg, high on bbq sauce fumes: “ship the app now” devs: “it’s 2am and …

: 1997: by 2023 we’ll have flying cars 2024: “are interdimensional child-eating vampires …

: If you’re against AI compensating creators, you’re against ads, and you’re against paywalls, you’re …

: If you’re pro AI tools, and also anti-publishers putting content behind a paywall, the technical …

: The existence of pronouns implies the existence of budget / midrange nouns. maybe with bad cameras. …

: young people are enjoying things that I don’t enjoy and I am uncomfortable: an op ed

: congratulations to Elon Musk for reducing twitters value from $44b to $50 and a coupon for one (1) …

: My junk is already a genius if you know what I mean (genitals)

: I’m going to start replying to everything like I’m on Hacker News. Unhappy with …

: Ann Coulter is living proof that if you talk enough shit, eventually you just become a human septic …

: More like the Founding Farters

: (giving a motivational speech) You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. And about 98% of the …

: Westenberg delivers insights into tech and politics. For just $5 monthly, gain access to: • Members …

: the cyber truck is what happens when you let a bunch of incels design a vehicle. absolutely No …

: If Trump can’t find work as a President he should just learn to code instead of playing the victim

: I like my women like I like my coffee, manufactured by Nescafé and bad for the environment

: in the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important …

: I don’t think Trump believes he has a chance of winning. He’s juicing his funds (watches! crypto!) …

: (me, bursting into a history lecture) THE MOON LANDING WAS FAKED BY ABRAHAM LINCOLN professor: ma’am …

: (eric adams, covered in marinara sauce, climbing the Empire State Building) you can’t MAKE me resign

: Moderators and content reviewers should be paid on par with developers. That’s the hill I’m here to …

: the year is 2045. everything is problematic now. i eat a plain piece of white toast. 500 phd …